The AMS-ELP Blog is designed to provide news about ELP activities in 7th and 8th grade. Check back often to see what is happening in ELP!

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

New Blog address

We have a new blog address for the 2012-13 school year! Please bookmark the site below  and view that site for further updates. Thanks!


Hello AMS Seventh and Eighth Graders!

Welcome to the 2012-13 school year. We are excited that our year together is about to begin and eager hear about your summer adventures. We will be stopping by your classrooms during the first weeks of school and will visit with all of you at Goal Seminars and ELP Lunches soon after school begins. Feel free to stop in the 7-8 ELP classroom ( E109) before then and say hello.

Check this page often for the newest developments and to see what is ahead. See you soon!

Mrs. Dixon and Mrs. Staniforth