The AMS-ELP Blog is designed to provide news about ELP activities in 7th and 8th grade. Check back often to see what is happening in ELP!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Upcoming Events

Wednesday, November 10: Continental Mathematics League:
All 7th grade students and all 8th grade Algebra and Geometry students will participate in the first meet of the Continental Mathematics League tomorrow (November 10) during their math class.  Any 8th grade students wishing to participate should contact Mrs. Dixon.

Wednesday, November 10: Science Fair Working Lunc
Students working on research projects for the Science Fair of Iowa are invited to the ELP room for lunch on Wednesday, November 10.  These lunches are informal discussions of ideas and concerns about the projects, and will be scheduled frequently throughout the fall. It's not too late to start a project!  Anyone who is interested is welcome to come.

Tuesday, November 16:  AMC8
All Algebra and Geometry students and selected 7th and 8th grade students will take the AMC8 (American Mathematics Competition-8th grade) next Tuesday.  All students not in algebra or geometry will do the competition in the Media Center during 2nd period and homeroom.  Algebra and geometry students will do it during their math class.

Tuesday, November 16:  Geometric Origami ELP Lunch
Bring a hot or cold lunch to the ELP room during your lunch period and learn how to make a stellated octahedron (the star shape in the picture) or a cube. 

Thursday, November 18:  Learning@Lunch
Mr. Phil Propes from the City of Ames Water Department will talk about the impact of the August floods on the Ames water treatment system. 

Friday, November 19:  Math Challenge Group
The Math Challenge Group for 7th grade Math will meet during the math classes to continue working on an equation to describe how much a spring is stretched when a weight is suspended from it.  Time permitting they will also explore how weight affects the bounciness of the spring. 

Friday, November 19:  Science Fair Working Lunch
See above.