The AMS-ELP Blog is designed to provide news about ELP activities in 7th and 8th grade. Check back often to see what is happening in ELP!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Science and Technology Competition Opportunities

The time is short, but there are a couple of science and technology competition opportunities that might be fun. 

The Discovery Education's 3M Young Scientist Challenge.  
This involves developing an innovative solution to a technical problem and creating a video about it.  Participants register online with their parents.  This will be an independent effort, but we'd love to hear about what you do!  Website:  The deadline for submitting entries is April 15, 2011. 

The Scholastic Bubble Wrap Competition for Young Inventors.
Develop an invention that incorporates the use of Bubble Wrap® cushioning. Send in/upload a written description in English that includes the name of the invention, its purpose, how it works, how the idea was created and how it will be used to make everyday life easier or more enjoyable (the "Description").  If you want to enter this competition,
1.  Go to
2.  Read and understand the rules. 
3.  Develop your invention and write your description.
4.  Enter online or by mail by March 11.  (If you are not yet 13, you will submit information for obtaining parental consent by March 11, and the entry will be submitted by March 18.)