The AMS-ELP Blog is designed to provide news about ELP activities in 7th and 8th grade. Check back often to see what is happening in ELP!
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
DNA unit in 7th Grade Life Sciences
During the week of April 18 all of the students in Ms. Kurrle's and Mrs. Glenn's Life Science classes investigated genetics and DNA through a variety of activities. Mrs. Glenn and Ms. Kurrle regrouped some of their students for three days to explore DNA through different lab work in each classroom. Ms. Kurrle's group extracted DNA from strawberries and kiwis while learning about the structure and function of DNA. Mrs. Glenn and I staged a mock crime scene ("Which Dog Chewed Farmer Brown's Boots") and had students conduct DNA electrophoresis to find the culprit. These students also read science articles from Science News, Scientific American, Discover, and various high quality online sources to learn about current issues concerning genetic analysis.