The AMS-ELP Blog is designed to provide news about ELP activities in 7th and 8th grade. Check back often to see what is happening in ELP!

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Welcome to the 2011-2012 School Year!


We have exciting plans in store for the school year and are looking forward to working with you!

 The 7-8 ELP Collaborative model allows the ELP teachers to work with classroom teachers to provide an enriching, challenging learning environment for high ability students. Each year brings different learning needs and many new activities. Rather than a set pullout schedule or curriculum, students rotate in and out of the ELP classroom based on classroom performance and learning goals. ELP teachers also spend time in the regular classroom, team teaching with or assisting the regular classroom teacher in differentiated activities.

 In order to be responsive to classroom and students, the ELP schedules are determined weekly. Mrs. Staniforth, the English-Social Studies ELP teacher, is at AMS three days a week and Mrs. Dixon, the Math/Science ELP teacher is at AMS two days a week. They share administrative and group student responsibilities. Either teacher can be contacted for information or concerns.

 ELP students establish academic and social goals at the fall ELP Mini-seminar in early September. Students will receive a note in homeroom telling then when to attend.

 Participation in each ELP cluster group activity is documented on Infinite Campus. Click on the envelope next to ELP on the grades section of Infinite Campus to view participation records. Additional information about current ELP activities can be viewed on the 7-8 ELP Blog.

We look forward to working with you and hope to make this year the best year yet! Please email us if you have any questions.