The AMS-ELP Blog is designed to provide news about ELP activities in 7th and 8th grade. Check back often to see what is happening in ELP!

Monday, February 1, 2010

8th Grade WordMasters-Session II Due Dates

8th WordMasters Session II Due Dates

PHYSICAL: ENVIRONMENT :: SOCIAL : _____________________________________________
a. cloister b. jargon c. interstice d. milieu e. bastion

The second session of 8th grade WordMasters begins on Tuesday, February 2,2010.

Due dates for Session II are as follows:

Tuesday, February 9, 2010:
Word cards for words 1-12 due at the beginning of class
Tuesday, February 16, 2010:
Word Cards for words 13-25 due at the beginning of class
February 23, 2010:TEST
Test over all 50 words (first and second list)