The AMS-ELP Blog is designed to provide news about ELP activities in 7th and 8th grade. Check back often to see what is happening in ELP!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Iowa Governor's Institute on Leadership-Summer Opportunity

The Iowa Governor's Institute for the Gifted and Talented (IGI) is a one-week residential program at the Belin-Blank Center at the University of Iowa for 36 of the top 7th-8th grade students in Iowa. "Leadership for Students that Want to Make a Difference"is the focus of the week study.

Students nominate themselves for the Institute. Application forms are available at the Belin Blank Center website . Students fill out an application form, write an essay, and get two teacher recommendations. Applications must be postmarked by March 18th. Notice that the deadline is during spring break. Please ask for teacher recommendations before conference week.

Please see Mrs. Staniforth or Mrs. Dixon if you have any questions.

website for application and information: