Seventy-two 8th grade students are participating in the Letters About Literature writing contest sponsored by the Library of Congress and the Iowa Center for the Book. Students will meet once a week for six weeks to create a letter to an author about a book that has influenced them in some way. During the six sessions, students will make personal connections with their selection, learn "Readers Response" to literature and write and polish a 300-600 word letter. Completed letters will be entered in the national contest.
Last year over 70,000 students in grades 4-12 entered the contest, with around 1,800 Iowa entries.
Letters About Literature will meet during English class on the following days:
Wednesday, October 20, 2010: Book Selected and worksheet completed
THURSDAY, October 28, 201
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Wednesday, November 17, 2010